Liquid University |Design Studio | Spring´20 |Urban Prototype
Liquid End - Cataloguing the student´s output
Showing you some insides of the students´work focussed on the topic of social housing
"Huge plots at the sea with unused structures can be transformed into vibrant parts of the city. Such plots is given to the EU by Rijeka to help with the migration crisis. Processed asylm seekers are welcomed on this abandoned land and can reuse and appropriate the land. This will bring new life to Rijeka and repopulate it."
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"Despite the decline in population shrinking cities deal with questions about housing, specifically affordable housing. Shrinking cities need to focus their development plans on revitalisation and densification focussing on community building and public services to its residents. Mixed land use and fine dispersion of circulation creates a more compact city and shortens distances between economic and public space."
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"Wealthier european countries compensate their lack of nursing staff by recruiting young croatians. They not only missed in their country as caregivers but as part of the demographic. These young individuals sooner or later start a family in their new home country instead of Croatia, which propels even further the emigration and decrease in the population. If an attractive nursery program would be established, Croatia could keep their nursing staff and attract seniors from other eruopean countries to spend their retirement by the sea."
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"A fence is currently separating the port from the city. The harbor area is only accessible to the workers. But the industry is losing value and the area is becoming increasingly empty and seems to be extinct. Many young people emigrate due to a lack of work.To revive the port, it is not enough just to look at the industry. The goal is to connect the port and the city with green spaces and public squares Rijeka becomes a „special public zone“ and the port no longer has to be separated from the city."
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