Task 02 - Midterm Critics

Liquid University |Design Studio | Spring´20 |Urban Prototype

Liquid Critics 

In order to understand the critical behavior of a city and to decipher its particular urban morphology, we look to read and interpret both maps and plans as contemporary material to find novel ways in which to build responsive design positions. 

We look at three scales: the Adriatic Sea, the Istria, and the city of Rijeka with your site (sections A-V).
The students should register the Exisiting, Testing and Prioritizing Challenges and Opportunities and Mapping on different design scales, periods, times. The reflection on their hypothesis is crucial. Does your project give any lessons that can be scaled up across the city? How does your design relate to all of Rijeka?

          Taskperimeter map

Subtitle for the project should exist + your projects keywords for example # Densification # Verticalization #Mobility#Rethink parking space # infrastructure #greenspace

"Task 02 will trace the urban morphologies of Rijeka."
