Live from the Midterm critics

Liquid University |Design Studio | Spring´20 |Urban Prototype

Liquid Critics 

We are looking forward to see what the students had produced. You are most welcome to follow live. Here is the timetable:

09:30 Introduction Liquid Rijeka | Liquid University
10:00 A Angelova Nikolina
10:15 B Beer Gianmaria
10:30 C Brtan Monika
10:45 D Danila Ioana


11:10 E Egger Vinzenz
11:25 F Enz Adrienne
11:40 G Fischer Romano
11:55 H Franceschini Laura


12:20 I Galliker Vivienne
12:35 J Goto Takayoshi
12:50 K Grabski Monika

LUNCHBREAK (13.05-14:00h)

14:00 L Hassan Halima
14:15 M Imhof Meret
14:30 N Imseng Rolf
14:45 O Nünlist Stephanie


15:10 P Ramadani Besjana
15:25 Q Reisinger Christopher
15:40 R Rüede Mike
15:55 S Rüfenacht Dara 


16:10 T Strologo Lorenz
16:25 U Yang Yibin


# Densification # Verticalization #Mobility#Rethink parking space # infrastructure #greenspace
